Enter a personal identifier. Please enter your mother’s family name. Enter a personal identifier. Please indicate the state or province in which you were born. Your birthday must be entered as month and day only, using exactly 2 digits for month, a slash, and exactly 2 digits for the day. March 4th would be specified as “03/04”. E-mail addresses must be of the form “user@someplace.domain” and are required if your preferred method of contact is by e-mail. Enter a phone number if you are in the US or Canada or if your preferred method of contact is by phone. Registration cannot proceed until you have filled in the “Country” field. Enter a postal code. Enter a valid U.S. zip code or Canadian postal code. Enter a valid Postal code. Enter a valid US Zip code. Enter a state or province code. Enter a city name. Enter a valid street adress or P.O. Box. That is not a valid Adobe serial number. Enter a company name if this product is registered to a business. Enter a first or last (family) name.